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Bluewave International Teacher Recruitment

Belmayne House, 99 Clarkehouse Road
Sheffield, S10 2LN
United Kingdom Покажи карта

Bluewave International is a UK based teacher recruitment company that specialises in finding positions for high-calibre overseas-trained teachers in schools across the UK.

Bluewave International is a great way for teachers to find jobs and schools to find teachers. In a way, we’re like a ‘dating agency’ for teachers and schools enabling all UK schools to have access to your online profile. We are currently getting some of the top jobs around for our teachers.

What makes Bluewave different?

Usually, agencies match your details to the jobs they have available. This means your details are only exposed to a limited number of job opportunities and doesn’t always lead to a job that’s right for you. At Bluewave International, your profile is available to all schools in the UK, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. They can view your teaching profile with details, CV/resume, references and qualifications.

Schools know the type of teachers that fit their school the best, so we provide as much information about you as possible and let the best schools contact us about you - if the school likes your profile and you like the school, we arrange a telephone interview. This difference allows many more schools to look at your details, giving you a greater choice of job opportunities and ultimately a closer match to your requirements.

How much does it cost?

Our service to free to teachers, the service we provide is paid for by the school. If you're an overseas trained teacher, we know what it's like to relocate to a new country because we’ve all done it and we bend over backwards to make it as easy for our teachers as possible. Our experienced team is here to help with all aspects of your relocation to the UK including:

Services provided (if needed)

  • Arranging a UK work permit

  • Arranging and paying for your initial accommodation

  • Setting up your UK Bank account

  • Providing a mobile phone on arrival

  • Of course we pick you up from the airport

What do I need to do now?

The next step is to register with us; this is very easy and you only have to fill in a simple 2 page form. Before we can start actively promoting you to schools, we will need a copy of your current CV/resume, a recent ‘photo of yourself and some references and certificates of qualification. You can upload these electronically on the second page of the registration. If you don’t have these ready now you can email them to us later. The more you give us now, the quicker we can help you!

Quick and easy

Too busy to apply for teaching jobs, too many agencies to choose from ...just want the right job for you?

  • To find out more about Bluewave, click here

  • To register with Bluewave, click here

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